Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership

The Reverend Vikki Clayton
Rev. Vikki came on board in August 2022. She serves in collaborative ministry as part-time rector to St. Bartholmew’s Episcopal Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, in Brookeville, MD. We are looking forward to the opportunities this dynamic will present to us as we learn about how best to serve our communties.
Lois Leigh
Senior Warden
I have been a member of St. Bartholomew’s Church for over thirty years. I think that longevity in itself says a lot about my feelings for this church. I felt very welcomed here the first day I came to St. Bartholomew’s, and have continued to feel welcomed and a part of a loving church family ever since.
I have been involved here at St. Bartholomew’s in many ways over the years. In the early years I taught Sunday School and helped out with the Christmas Bazaar. After the passing of our dear member and Treasurer, Sam Riggs, an offering counters group was formed and I have been the head of that group since its beginning. In 2015 I became the Pledge Recorder and still hold that position. In the past I have been a part of the Growth Committee, Ladies Guild and served a term on Vestry. I am again serving on Vestry to fulfil a spot left open by a parishioner who moved away. I am also a part of the Flower Guild, Altar Guild, Collaborative Ministry, Blessings Committee and am one of our Lay Readers.
This church has had many changes in my thirty-one years here. Many people have come and gone, but we remain a solid community. A community made up of strong, loving and faithful people. I would be proud and honored to serve as your Senior Warden.

jeff bergsten
Junior Warden
I have been in the Episcopal Church since childhood, attending St. Bartholomew’s for the last seventeen years. I’ve found it to be an energetic parish, and am encouraged by the growth it’s experienced recently. I would like to see that continue. I have enjoyed singing in the choir, serving as vestry member, helping with stewardship and outreach, the nominating committee, and pitching in wherever I can. I would be glad to work with the vestry in helping the church grow.

Lauren Fisher
Director of Music, Organist
Lauren Fisher has been a member of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church since the age of 7 and was appointed Director of Music in May 2009. Lauren holds two degrees in music education, a B.M. with a piano concentrate from Susquehanna University and an M.A. from the Eastman School of Music. She also completed a Graduate Certificate in Church Music at Shenandoah University. Currently employed as a vocal music teacher for Prince George’s County Public Schools, Lauren teaches general music classes to students in grades Pre-K through 5. When she is not teaching or directing the St. Bartholomew’s choir, Lauren enjoys reading, learning Spanish, and dancing.